Paragon Church

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Who is Paragon Church?

par·a·gon: example of excellence: somebody or something that is the very best example of something

Our mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with our paragon, Jesus Christ.
By God’s power, we want to see the “unchurched” transformed into a community of Christ Followers and see our community of Christ Followers go change the world.

In northern Rio Rancho…

…there is a need for Paragon Church

Paragon Church will be a catalyst for life change in Rio Rancho, the surrounding communities, and into the rest of the world.

…there is a need for people to CONNECT.
Life was never meant to be lived alone. We believe that church is a team sport. So, we desire to help people make that spiritual connection and begin experiencing true community. Our small groups are designed to provide you with an even deeper connection to a group of people that pray, learn, and experience life together.

…there is a need for people to GROW.
If you're not moving forward, then you're falling backward. Once you make the commitment of being a Christian, it is necessary to continue to grow or become like Christ in your thoughts, your actions, and your life.

…there is a need for people to SERVE.
Every member is a minister. The Bible teaches that if you have accepted Jesus Christ then you have been given special gifts, talents, and abilities that you are to use in serving others. Our goal is to help you discover what they are, and then to maximize your ministry potential in helping you become all that God has called you to be.

…there is a need for people to SHARE.
One life. One family. One community at a time. Our goal is that people all over Northern Rio Rancho would hear about the life changing reality of Jesus Christ through one of the members of Paragon. We are committed to sharing the most important relationship of all with those in our world, doing ministry that would draw in our families, and hosting events that would reach our community.

…there is a need for people to RESPOND.
Worship is not an event, it is a lifestyle. We are called to respond everyday to God's love and provision in our lives by surrendering and following His will. Our corporate worship times are designed to be a gathering to celebrate who God is, what He has done, and how He is working.

…there is a need for quality Children’s and Youth Ministries teaching Biblical Truth
Our ministries will be unafraid to teach the TRUTH with the desire to teach and equip children and youth to distinguish right from wrong and know absolute truth.

…there is a need for a place where everyone can belong
A place where all will be loved and valued. A place where all will see and experience the wonderful grace of God. A place that invites you to come just as you are. It doesn't matter where people have been in life; we're not concerned with that. We are concerned with where they are going.

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